Journalist training for the communicator in the Media institutions and its relationship to the professionalism "A Field Study"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor & Head of Journalism and Media at Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine

2 Islamic University of Gaza - Palestine


This study aims to identify the reality of media training for the communicator in media institutions and its relationship to professionalism within Palestinian media institutions. This study belongs to descriptive researches  in which the survey method was used;  within its framework the method of surveying media practice was employed. The researchers also used the theory of the contact person (Gate keeper); data were collected using the survey newspaper tool; the personal interview tool. The questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 260 individuals of Palestinian contacts in the governorates of Gaza, Palestine. Among its most important results is that training is considered as an essential element in developing the media profession and upgrading the professional performance of media professionals. 90% of the study sample received various courses. One of the most important reasons that make media professionals join the courses is the subject of the course.  Work pressure and lack of time for training are the most important reasons for not joining the courses. The most important bodies that provide media training are specialized academic institutions. The study has proven  a significant correlation (0.05) between the level of Palestinian media professionals' access to training and their professional performance.  Among the most important of its recommendations are holding and supporting media training courses that are provided to communicators and paying attention to their content, especially specialized courses; measuring the training return, whether at the level of cognitive or behavioral direction of media professionals


Main Subjects