Preparing and qualifying a graduate of the radio and television department in private universities. (A case study on 6 October University)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television - College of Media and Communication Arts - University of 6 October


The study seeks to mining the attitudes of the graduate of the Department of Radio and Television at the Faculty of Media and Communication Arts, 6th of October University, about the reality of his preparation and qualification. In terms of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the department's study system by comparing the opinions of the graduates of each of the class of the semester system for the academic year 2015/2016, and the batch of the credit hour system for the academic year 2018/2019. With the aim of developing the scientific and practical education system, which works to restore confidence in the level of the media graduate in private universities and in his ability to compete in the media job market.
The field study was conducted in a sample of 43 students, equivalent to 25% of the total number of graduates of the Radio and Television Department, and it is the sample available in each of the two batches, the study sample, as the study was applied over a month span from:
 11/8/2020 until 11 /9/2020
The results of the study concluded:
1- An increase in the percentage of those working in the specialty in the batch of 2018/2019, which reached 54.5%, which is higher than that of the 2015/2016 batch, which amounted to 38.09%
2- An increase in the percentage of satisfaction with what was studied in the quarterly list for batch 2016, with a rate of 57.15% compared to 45.45% in the 2019 


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