The Role of Medical Programs in providing The Egyptian Audience With Information

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts, Mass Communication Department, Helwan University.


Medical programs occupy a wide interest among those working in the media field, as well as a revolution in the field of media.. a revolution called specialized media.
The specialized media came to meet the needs of the audience to obtain information on a specific type, such as cultural, scientific, sports and medical information.
In this context, the study seeks to identify the role of medical programs in providing the Egyptian audience with information and educating them, as well as to identify the technical templates used in these programs and the methods used by the audience to seek information through them and their reliance on them to obtain and Seeking information through these programs and identifying the most popular programs for the audience.
This study used the field survey methodology which applied in 400 a deliberate sample of Egyptian audience from Cairo, Giza and Al-Kalubia Governorate also used the theory of information seeking and Dependency on media.
The study concluded several results, the most important of which are:

41.2%، of the audience believe that these programs provide them with information about their healthy lives, and 38.85%، believe that the medical programs contribute to raising the level of their health culture in general.
36%، of the audience considered The Egyptian medical program is one of the most popular programs for them and 33.5%، is considered the foreign medical program the doctors of their favorite programs.
The cognitive level of health awareness of those who watch these programs increased by 71%.

In terms of audience's seeking information through these programs, 40.5%، of the audience confirmed that they are seeking information directly through these programs, while 52.3%، of the audience confirmed that they watch the episodes of programs that belong to what they want and then do not watch the rest of the episode


Main Subjects