Patterns adopted by the UAE Youth towards multiple screens phenomenon (Social TV) and its impact on their Social Presence.

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Radio&Television Department Faculty of Mass Communication Beni Suef University


The study aims at exploring the concept of Social TV as a new phenomenon, which resulted from the audience interaction with more than two screens concurrently. Multiple screens are defined in this study as the use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets during television viewing to involve audiences with television content through a “second screen” platform.
The consumption of Multiple Screen Viewing has drastically changed the TV Audience consumption patterns (TV audience behavior manner ) as it made the whole experience more engaging and sociable, enabling them to exchange different views on various social networks while watching TV.
The findings of the quantitative focus group discussions of this study, which have been conducted on UAE citizens and residents, concluded that social television viewing is a complex process driven by the viewers’ program, which is associated with motives, patterns of consumption, and The fear of missing out phenomenon" FOMO". Media properties of Social Media platforms appear as an alternative tool for information and for improving the audience overall experience. Besides, multiple screen viewing appears to have a positive effect on the audience loyalty of TV programs and the social media presence.
As for the qualitative approach which has been conducted via sampling UAE television channels ( eg. Abu Dhabi . Dubai and Sharjah) on their social platforms (Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube) by Keyhole's social media analytics, it has been found that the UAE television channels have utilized all the digital content tools to boost their channels on these platforms. They braced comments and reinforced all engagement tools among the audience and the social media users. They also used the live streaming technique to broadcast all their creative content enabling their audience to like, comment, and share their content.


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