Internal organizational communication studies, reality and future trends: a critical analytical view

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor department of Public Relations and Advertising Faculty of mass communication Cairo University


The research problem can be identified by: monitoring the Arab and foreign studies concerned with internal organizational communications that were conducted in the past twenty years, describing them, and analyzing a qualitative critical analysis from the second level of the theoretical and methodological aspects of these studies, aiming to identify their strengths and weaknesses during the time frame of the current study, and to reach a future vision for the development of Arab and Egyptian studies in this field, whether in terms of the issues that are focused on or their methodological framework. The results of the study revealed a decline in Arab studies in terms of quantity. Arab studies started researching this field later than foreign studies where studies in the field of internal organizational communication are dominated by quantitative analysis of data. Most of the studies were survey studies, especially Arab and Egyptian studies. In recent years, qualitative studies and the use of the case study method started on a limited scale. There is a need to pay more attention to the application of internal organizational communication studies on employees because they have the vision to evaluate and develop internal communications in addition to the practitioners' vision, especially with the recent trend in organizational communication studies, that the foreign studies focused on, which is the development of social capital and attention to human resources.


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