The relationship of relying on mobile phone journalism as a source of information with the attitude of expatriate Egyptians in Saudi Arabia towards (the emerging coronavirus vaccine)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Media Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia


The current study is a field study in light of the theory of media dependence, and the theory of technological determinism, the study aims to identify the relationship of reliance on mobile phone journalism as a source of information towards expatriate Egyptians in Saudi Arabia towards (the emerging corona virus vaccine), and it was conducted on a sample by the snowball method The network of 300 Egyptian expatriates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and an electronic questionnaire (prepared by the researcher) was applied to the sample, and this research is descriptive that was carried out within the framework of the sample survey approach, and the most important results came: that the percentage of Egyptian expatriates in Saudi Arabia who rely on mobile phone journalism in Obtaining information about the emerging corona virus vaccine at a high degree of 56.0% and came in first place, and the cognitive effect came first in the phrase (I became more aware of Coronavirus vaccines) with a corresponding response rate with an average arithmetic of 1.44, as the first effect, and the expatriate Egyptians in Saudi Arabia who Be a positive trend towards topics of the new Corona virus vaccine, as a result of relying on mobile phone journalism in the first place, with a rate of 84.4%, and there is a significant relationship Statistically, between the level of Egyptian expatriate’s dependence on mobile phone journalism to obtain information about the emerging corona virus vaccine and their attitudes towards it.


Main Subjects

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