Images Framing of COVID Pandemic News (Comparative Analysis Study Between the French “Le Figaro” Journal Website and The Egyptian “Youm7” Journal Website)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at science of communication and media department– faculty of Arts Ain Shams university


This study aimed to compare Images Framing of COVID Pandemic News used by The French “Le Figaro” Journal Website as representative of the European E-journalism and The Egyptian “Youm7” Journal Website as a representative of the Arab E-journalism, and the study included how images content was used. This study used scanning methodology and the comparative methodology, the study used the content analysis tools and visual framing analysis. The sample presented 4764 images from both websites. The sample timing was from 1 December to 31 December 2020. The study concluded similarity between the two websites in Mainframes which is the epidemic spread, treatment, spread responses, usage of images contents: Image type- camera angle- shot type– the number of images in the article and the color use, and the percent on images that did not show treatments was similar. Both websites disagreed on images sources, the Figaro website used the news agencies as news sources and especially the French agency and the British agency in the other side the Youm7 didn`t mention the source of their images most of the time, showing features of negative and positive emotions on the images and the most repeated central characters, who were normal citizens in the French website and the infected ones in Egyptian website.


Main Subjects

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