Features of readers' comments discourse on electronic newspaper pages on social media sites regarding the Covid-19 vaccine "applying on the official page of the El Youm El Sabea website on Facebook"

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at mass communication department-Faculty of Arts-Helwan University


With the advent of social media sites (SNSs), a new discussion about the potentail of the digital public domain began as web 0.2 platforms provided users with interactive tools, as many news organizations, led by El-youm-el sabea website, tended to convert comments from their websites to facebook, and as the confirmation of the results of many studies on the public's preference for media pages on social media sites in obtaining news compared to the same media page or its website studies have also confirmed that desiging social media environments by the the way the public interacts with content, contributed to increase the rates of expressing opinion,commentary and discussion on news content, which requires a deeper study of rhetorical practices, deliberations and discussions among users with the opinions and ideas you present or with a persuasive structure that includes arguments and proofs that provide an opportunity for influencing others Then the problem of the study is identified in monitoring, describing, analyzing and interpreting the features of the comments of electronic newspapers readers on the social networking sites regarding the Covid-19 vaccine by applying this on the official page of El Youm El Sabea on Facebook, and identifying the effectiveness of the comments as an area for consultation and making discussions and critical deliberations about the vaccine, also to express, discuss and support different opinions about it with justifications and logical arguments.


Main Subjects

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