The Egyptian youth's perception of the effects of virtual reality in Tik-Tok videos on self and others Under the theory of the third person effect- survey study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University - Egypt College of Arts, King Saud University - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia


This study draws on its theoretical framework and constructs its hypotheses from Davison's third-person effect theory, which assumes that individuals tend to overestimate the impact of media messages on the attitudes and behavior of others, And expect that these messages have a greater impact on others than themselves This prompts them to take behavioral action to protect these others, Davison believes that the theory contains two assumptions, the first is cognitive and means that individuals realize that media messages have a greater impact on others than their impact on themselves, The second is a behavior where individuals support restrictions on media messages that have a harmful effect, and the expected result is to accept the control of these harmful substances.
     The study aimed to monitor, analyze, and explain the Egyptian youth’s perception of the effects of virtual reality contained in Tik-Tok videos on self and others, by testing the hypotheses of the theory of third-person influence, in both its cognitive and behavioral aspects. - Tok, and the extent of their support for imposing censorship on it, in addition to revealing the effects of Egyptian youth exposure to Tik Tok videos, and its relationship to their awareness of the influence of the third person.
    The results of the study revealed that the content that Egyptian youth prefer in Tik-Tok videos is the personal clips of celebrities, followed by clips of the users’ hobbies and talents such as dancing and singing. The study showed that there is a positive, significant correlation between the level of Egyptian youth's awareness of the influence of the third person, and the degree of their support for imposing censorship on digital platforms in Tik-Tok. To influence others, in favor of influencing others - the cognitive hypothesis of the theory of third-person influence is thus proven correct.


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