The extent of the contribution of social media to raising awareness of the dangers of the Corona virus among students of Jazan University

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher and trainer of media and management craftsman


The study aimed to know the contributions of social media in raising awareness of the Coronavirus. In this study, the researcher adopted the survey approach, and the data was obtained from the respondents using a questionnaire distributed to over (150) male and female students of Jazan University. The results of the study concluded that the follow-up of social networks was at a percentage of (90.7%), the degree of reliance on the Saudi media in raising awareness of the dangers of the Coronavirus was at a percentage of (59.3%), while social networking sites occupied the most media outlets followed by individuals. The study sample with a percentage of (88.7%) ranked first, and (Twitter) occupied the most used applications and in following up the latest news related to the Coronavirus, with a percentage of (49.3%) in the first place, and the most honest sources came in publishing posts related to the Coronavirus crisis on  Social media networks were the official accounts, with a percentage of (74.7%), and the degree of social media’s contributions to awareness of the Coronavirus was high, and the total arithmetic average was (2.80). The results showed that there were no significant differences at the significance level (a = 0.05) for the contributions of social networks in raising awareness of the dangers of the Corona virus according to the variables.


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