The Role of Vloggers of Products Reviews in Forming Purchasing Intent of the Egyptian Audience

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to identify the Egyptian audiences' exposure to product review vlogs and to investigate the credibility of the vloggers using the variables of the theory of Para-social interaction and source credibility (trust, experience, attractiveness, amusement, familiarity). The study also seeks to examine the relationship between the perceived credibility of vloggers as a source of information and attitude towards the products and purchasing intent, through a field study applied to a sample of 386 users of vlogs on YouTube. Attractiveness was the main variable forming the credibility of the vlogger.  The results also agreed with the theory of source credibility. The study shows a correlation between perceived credibility and the attitude towards the vlogger. Familiarity is the main variable forming relation between the attitude towards the vlogger and both the attitude towards the product and purchasing intent.                                   


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