The exposure of university Young to the dramatic works presented on online television platforms and its relationship to their value system

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in Educational Media Department Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University


-The study aims to identify the extent to which university's young are exposed to dramatic works presented on online television platforms and its relationship to the impact on their value system. The researcher used the survey method, and it was applied to a sample of 300 respondents in each of (Port Said University - October 6 University), who were deliberately selected from university's young who participated in the online television platforms, The researcher conducted scientific transactions and used the statistics program (spss).
- the most important findings of the researcher that was the high rate of exposure of university young to online television platforms, as it came in the first place, always exposed, with a rate of 88.7%, and came in the second place, sometimes exposed, with a rate of 11.3%.
- The results also demonstrated the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the intensity of university's young exposure to dramatic works presented on online television platforms and the impact on their value system.


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