Measuring Public Satisfaction towards the Effectiveness of Websites for Public Business Sector Companies (An applied study)

Document Type : Original Article


Egypt: Zagazig Unviresity, Faculty of Specific Education, Social Sciences and Media Department


    Our current study is a descriptive and analytical study, which aimed to identify the reality of the relationship between public satisfaction and the effectiveness of the websites of public business sector companies, by analyzing the content of those websites and monitoring the tools used by these companies to activate that relationship and its success and interest in gaining public satisfaction and understanding its needs and desires.
    The current study is one of the descriptive-analytical studies, which aimed to identify the reality of the relationship between public satisfaction and the effectiveness of the websites of public business sector companies, by analyzing the content of those websites and monitoring the tools used by these companies to activate that relationship and its success and interest in gaining public satisfaction and understanding its needs and desires. The study relied on analyzing the content of a sample of the websites of the public business sector companies represented in (,, and, as it relied on data collection on a questionnaire form on a sample Of the users of these companies' websites (466 individuals), in addition to conducting a personal interview with the senior management of these companies.
    The study concluded that all the responses of the sample members took the positive direction in varying and close proportions from the reality of their opinions, from (86.8%) to (100%). For companies according to the dimensions of the gaps model to improve the level of service and the dimensions of the electronic services quality model and feedback, the speed of response of the sites and the extent of their satisfaction with it, and there are also significant differences between the public’s satisfaction with the effectiveness of the companies’ websites according to demographic factors (gender - age group - social status - educational level)


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