The reality of news sites' use of Perceptual load levels in achieving visual balance between design elements

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Electronic Media - Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - South Valley University - Qena - Egypt


    The study aims to identify the reality of news sites' use of perceptual load levels in achieving the visual balance between the structural elements used in the design of their pages and the visual importance achieved through the theory of perceptual load by describing the visual design elements used in the design of news sites based on the survey and comparative method and to indicate the sizes, shapes and patterns of structural elements used in the design of the page. The studies relied in its survey on the shape analysis form, The analytical sample is from two sites (Seventh Day, Arabic CNN in Arabic, from 25 October 2021 to 25 November 2021).
    The study observed a set of indicators related to the design pattern used in arranging and distributing the structural elements on the news site and the extent to which perceptual load levels has designer used on-page, the designer used those levels, but inadvertently, often with the primary aim of distributing and arranging structural elements in an exciting manner that attracted the attention of the reader and captured it without taking into account the perceptual requirements  that the reader wants to achieve
    The results of the study also indicated the importance of verifying access to a visually balanced page, which allows the reader the opportunity to browse the site without trouble or visual fatigue.


Main Subjects

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