Communication strategies of the Ministry of Health to publicize national health initiatives through Facebook - an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture of public relations faculty of mass communications at: alazhar University


The study sought to explore and analyze the communication strategies used by the Egyptian Ministry of Health via the social networking site (Facebook) to introduce national health initiatives, by identifying the forms, patterns and objectives of this use, and the forms of application of public relations devices in the Egyptian Ministry of Health for communication strategies in media dissemination via the Internet. Based on the communication model presented by Betteke Van Ruler as a situational model for communication strategies, revealing the nature of the published content about health initiatives, the purpose of dissemination, the communication and dynamic methods used in providing content related to health initiatives, and the forms of audience interaction with the published content for identification. national health initiatives. Using a content analysis tool based on the "publication" as a unit of analysis, by analyzing all publications related to national health initiatives in the period from (January 1, 2021) to (December 31, 2021).
The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: There is a shortcoming in the Ministry’s employment of two-way communication strategies, and its reliance on one-way communication strategies in most publications and the media strategy was used by 71.33% of the publications published during the analysis period, and it has also used a strategy Persuasion and explanation 65.60%, while the consensus-building strategy was used by 2.75%, and finally the dialogue strategy was used by 1.15%. The media communication method came in the first order of the communication methods used, and the propaganda goal came at the forefront of the goals advocated by the ministry's page. All publications related to initiatives contained a measure of vitality in their presentation, so the percentage of highly dynamic publications (video - web links) reached 17.43%, while the posts were of medium vitality (web links) by 29.59%, while more than half of the posts were of low vitality (images) with a rate of 52.98%. The study recommends the need for those in charge of the ministry’s page to exert more effort and development to activate two-way communication using dialogue strategies and build consensus in communication, and the need to interact with the public, respond to their inquiries, accept their ideas and opinions with respect, and open the doors for them to become more influential, participating and active.


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