The performance roles of people with disabilities in Arab and foreign drama and their relationship to their social empowerment” -qualitative study.

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher; Radio and Television; Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies


The media in general and the dramatic content, in particular, have a great ability to change people's perceptions of unfamiliar topics. In the case of people with disabilities, the results of previous studies showed that the representations of them in these contexts were mostly negative. This study aimed to analyze the types of disabilities that have emerged, the issues and stereotypes around them, and to criticize the extent to which these contents are compatible with the goals of sustainable development 2030. This study belongs to qualitative studies. Interpreting its results is relies on Stuart Hall's (encoding/decoding) theory and Richard Dyer's theory which are about Stereotypes. The study sample has been selected from the foreign movie The Peanut butter Falcone 2019 and from the following Egyptian films: Shagan Shady 2010; Al Ragul Al Abiad Al motawaset 2010 ; Youm w Lailah 2021; and the Lebanese series Shatee ya Bairot 2021
The most important results of the study: Down syndrome was predominant in the study sample; the results showed that the dramatic contents presented many stereotypes about people with disabilities; there was no significant difference between the Arab and foreign sample in displaying the pictures; the most important of these pictures were (a place of pity and a burden on society - a place of ridicule and mockery - a picture of a person with a disability who is exposed to violence); The dramatic treatment of people with disabilities touched the sustainable development goals with regard to presenting some issues of people with disabilities; These contents also contributed greatly to increasing the empowerment of persons with disabilities and their sense of independence and self-respect, thus their sense of self-efficacy, therefore it is important to increase their empowerment by giving them a greater opportunity to play various roles that express their talents, and at the same time allow them to put their issues in front of the society without falsehood or embellishment to encourage support and societal acceptance of their presence, and to support a culture of diversity and acceptance of the other.


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