Document Type : Original Article


Media, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University


The current study aims to achieve several objectives, including identifying the extent to which young people use the contents of cultural channels on YouTube, this study is considered one of the descriptive studies using the sample survey method through a questionnaire form on a deliberate sample of 450 individuals of youth who view cultural channels on YouTube. Among the most important findings of the study: that the percentage of respondents’ follow-up to cultural channels “Booktube” regularly out of the total sample of the study amounted to 50.7%, and the percentage of respondents’ follow-up regularly sometimes out of the total of the study sample was 38.2%, while the percentage of respondents’ follow-up on a regular basis Rarely out of the total study sample 11.1%. And that the average scores of the respondents according to their attitude towards the motives for their use of the contents of the cultural channels “BookTube”, came in the first order to provide new and purposeful information with an arithmetic average of 2.92, and in the second order it increases my interest and depth in some topics with an arithmetic average of 2.88, and the third rank meets my different cognitive needs with an arithmetic average 2.8, and came in fourth place, increases my information and makes me participate in the discussions of others, with an average of 2.81, And in the fifth arrangement, it changed the way I thought and dealt with problems with an arithmetic average of 2.79, while in the sixth arrangement was entertainment and entertainment with an arithmetic average of 2.75, and in the seventh rank, obtaining information about buying books and novels with an arithmetic average of 2.74, and in the eighth and final arrangement, its information is not found in other programs with an arithmetic average 2.69.


Main Subjects

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