The Uses Of Family YouTube Channels And Their Relation To The Cultural Identity Of The Adults ( An Applied Study )

Document Type : Original Article


Media, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University


The current study aims to achieve several goals, including revealing the role of family channels on YouTube and their relationship to the cultural identity of adolescents, identifying the most important family channels on YouTube, and identifying the most important cognitive, behavioral and emotional effects resulting from adolescents watching these channels. Descriptive studies, the researcher used the descriptive and analytical survey method, and the study sample consisted of 450 adolescents, and the researcher made an electronic questionnaire as a tool for data collection.
Among the most important results of the study: The percentage of respondents viewing the content of family channels on YouTube daily amounted to 56.1%, distributed between 57.1% of the total vocabulary of the male sample, compared to 55.7% of the total vocabulary of the female sample, and the percentage of respondents viewing the content of family channels in YouTube at intervals of 30.5% of the total vocabulary of the study sample, distributed over 40.5% of the total vocabulary of the male sample, compared to 25.9% of the total vocabulary of the female sample, And Al-Fallujat came in the first place of the types of content that respondents prefer in family YouTube channels, followed by diaries and then challenges. As for the cognitive effects, it came in the first place, helping me to know the correct ways to accomplish some things, followed by which contributed to expanding my awareness of the various contents presented. Followed by increased knowledge of how to act in some similar everyday situations.


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