Sportswomen Image as reflected in Egyptian and International Movies Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article


Broadcasting department - faculty of Mass communication - CIC ( Canadian International college) . Egypt - cairo


The study aimed to analyze the image of sportswomen presented in Egyptian and international films and to make a comparison on how women's sports is presented in each of them to get suggestions to improve this presentation in future films. The study relied on two data collection tools: content analysis form and focus group discussion.
The Main results of the content analysis were:
1- The dependence of international films on monitoring the actual reality of sports women, while the image of sports women in Egyptian films contradicts with the reality of Egyptian sports women.
2- International films depended on representing sportswomen in a starring role in all their films, while Egyptian films depended on presenting sportswomen in a starring role in only 66.7% of their films. The image presented about the sports woman in international films was 100% positive, while the negative image of the athlete in Egyptian films came in the first place with 66.7%.
While the most prominent results of the focus groups:
1- Focus groups indicated that sports women were not positively portrayed in Egyptian films, as they were portrayed as losing their femininity and imitating men in many ways.
2- The effects of exposure to Egyptian films that deal with sports women were negative effects that caused women's fear of entering the sports world. On the other hand, the effects of exposure to international films that deal with sportswomen were positive effects that achieve enthusiasm and desire for sports excellence.


Main Subjects

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