The Journalistic Handling Of Operation Decisive Storm In The GCC based E- newspapers “An analytical Study”

Document Type : Original Article




The study sought to identify the Gulf-based news websites’ frameworks for addressing the Operation Decisive Storm, and this study is considered a descriptive research which targets to analyses and depict as well as to evaluate the characteristics of a selected group by using the survey methodology and relying on the analytical tool which covered a sample of newspaper materials amounted at 359 material linked to the research topic that was published on Gulf-based news websites, including Al Khaleej of UAE, Al Watan of Bahrain, Al Watan of Saudi Arabia) in the period between March 26, 2015 and April 21, 2015. The sample was handpicked by the comprehensive inventory method. The research results include:
1-      The study results explained that the sample of the study relied mainly on the news reports (55.1%) in their coverage for the Operation Decisive Storm, followed by analytics reports (26.5%).
2-      The results showed that the sample of the study focused on the issues as per the following order: firstly, the military security issues, secondly, the political issues, thirdly the humanitarian issues, fourthly the economic issues and fifthly other issues like religious and media. This result reflects that the focus was on military-security news, and this is consistent with the military developments and the nature of operations, whether by the coalition forces, the Yemeni legitimacy, or the Yemeni resistance.
3-      The newspapers of the study sample relied mainly on official sources to obtain information about Operation Decisive Storm (73.3%), while the percentage of unofficial sources was 26.7%.
4-      The results of the study indicated that the military and security frameworks topped the frameworks used in newspapers in the study sample (32%), followed by the political frameworks by 16.2%.


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