Employing Augmented Reality Techniques in Advertising Design and its reflection on the digital receiver's perceptions towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communication Technology, Department of Mass Communication, College of Arts


The study aimed to analyze the types of ads designed with augmented reality technology published on the YouTube platform and monitor its dimensions (location, type of products, target audience, type of devices used, type of interaction), Monitoring the prevailing topics in the recipients’ comments on the YouTube platform about augmented reality ads, and their attitudes towards them, By conducting a descriptive-analytical study, The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The most used ad type is a magic mirror, followed by active printing, Bogus window, projection mapping, and finally geo-layer, And that augmented reality technology allows users to experience products from anywhere, And that the diversity of the use of many brands in different fields of augmented reality technology in the design of their advertisements, The results also indicated that ads designed with augmented reality technology target a diverse audience. It showed that the use of augmented reality technology via smartphones and interactive screens equipped with augmented reality technology is the most widely used and widespread devices in advertisements. And that there are four ways for the user to interact with advertising, which are: perception, processing, integration, and interaction. Most of the respondents' comments for augmented reality ads in the study sample focused on advertising elements rather than the brand being promoted In addition, most of the recipients generally have positive emotional attitudes and feelings towards ads designed with augmented reality technology on YouTube,  They showed their admiration for the advertisement as a whole and for using this technology, The recipients' prior attitudes to the product also influenced their product's post-exposure attitudes.


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