The role of social networks sites (SNS) in spreading environmental awareness and green culture: a survey study on a sample of undergraduates at King Saud University

Document Type : Original Article


King Saud University


Pollution rates have risen and the dangers of environmental problems have increased, therefore, there is a great need to spread awareness of environmental issues. The role of social network sites (SNS) is essential to create environmental awareness. This study aims to investigate the nature of this role in terms of the type of impact that SNS have on the public, and to explore the factors that affect the public interaction with the content of environmental cases. The study uses a survey on (402) individuals, and the sample was selected from KSU undergraduates.
The study reached a number of results:

The level of environmental awareness among the sample is high (arithmetic mean 3.76).
There is a high impact of SNS in spreading environmental awareness (A=3.98)
The emotional impact of SNS was the highest type of influence, followed by the cognitive and then the behavioral impact.
There is a negative tendency among the sample towards publishing issues related to the environment (A= 2.22)

5.    There are many factors affecting the interaction of the sample with environmental content through SNS, the most influential were: using a comparative image (before/after), documenting a person’s experience, using a video clip, using illustrations (infographic), and the least influential factors are the publication through an influential person and the use of hashtags.


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