Coverage of Metaverse technology in a sample of Arabic and English videos on YouTube - a qualitative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Dep: Radio & TV, Faculty of Islamic And Arabic Studies For Girls In Cairo


The current study sought to reveal the cover of the "Metaverse" technology on YouTube in form and content. It monitored the topics and ideas included in the study sample videos and the context that helped to raise controversy and discussion about this technology, and to identify the methods of presenting and directing these videos. The study sample consisted of (10) videos dealing with the Metaverse technology on YouTube (5) in Arabic, (5) in English, It relied on the non-intrusive quantitative and qualitative content analysis tool in data collection and analysis, and limited the clips included in the videos, their sizes, shooting angle, camera movement, style of transition and methods of suspense, as well as the main axes of the Metaverse technology in the study sample in the context of the emergence of Metaverse technology, and related elements, The manifestations of the development of metaverse technology, and its consequences. One of the most important results of the study was the superiority of English videos over Arabic videos in the methods of presenting and directing Metaverse content; Where the Arabic videos relied on providing the content on narration, description, and direct talk, while the English videos relied on experimentation and entering virtual reality and mastering the skills of presentation. The study concluded that one of the most important advantages of Metaverse is speed and instantaneousness and the completion of work better than in the physical reality, and that one of its most prominent negatives is its tyranny over the physical reality, withdrawal from it, the availability of user data in a large extent and their exposure to electronic crime.


Main Subjects

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