The parental control on their children while exposed to the content of entertainment video platforms: A qualitative study of Tik Tok and YouTube.

Document Type : Original Article


Radio and television department, faculty of media and mass communication, 6 October University


The study aims, through 5 discussion groups, to determine the extent to which parents follow their children, the extent to which they use parental control tools or any other ways to monitor their children's use of Tik Tok or YouTube, and if they notice that their children are affected by the words, opinions, or behaviors That they see in the content via Entertainment video platforms (Tik Tok and YouTube), and to identify their fears of their children’s follow-up to entertainment video content, and the results were as follows:
Parents depend on the traditional method of following up and controlling their children, vs the technological method, or parental control apps. The study sample relied on the principle of dialogue and discussion with their children as a principle, to make them understand the danger of the content they follow on Tik Tok and YouTube.
Parents, the study sample, notice the behavioral changes in their children, and sometimes use some indecent words that they hear through their following entertainment video platforms content. Therefore, it becomes clear that they have clear fears about the content that their children are exposed to, The nature of the cultural and social ideas that it carries contradict the customs, traditions and culture of Egyptian society, and strike into basic religious and social constants, for example, the collapse of the marriage system and the spread of the idea of ​​relationships outside marriage, or the idea of ​​homosexuality, and the collapse of ​​respect the older.
Fear of the future dominated the study sample of fathers and mothers, the mothers were more emotional with situations, unlike fathers who were more consistent in expressing their reactions. They translated this fear by blaming themselves in the first place if their children faced problems or were abused while using TikTok or YouTube.


Main Subjects

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