Emotional consequences of death news dissemination on Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic in context of the Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement

Document Type : Original Article


Mass communication department/ faculty of arts/ AIn shams University


The main objective of the study is to investigat the relationship between Facebook users’ exposure to death news during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the emotional consequences of that exposure. Besides, the study aims to discover how Facebook helps bereaved users who lost beloved ones during COVID -19 to adapt to loss. The purpose, therefore, is to discover both loss/restoration-oriented activities and feelings of Facebook bereaved users. The study’s methodology was surveying a purposive sample of Facebook users, which reached 400 persons aged 18 and older, by using an online survey. The study is based on examining the foundation of The Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (DPM). The Results showed that there is a proportional relationship between frequent usage of Facebook during COVID-19 and the emotional consequences of that use. The most positive feeling about using Facebook during the COVID -19 Pandemic was “responsibility towards others”, while the most negative feeling was “anxiety”. Besides, bereaved users have been involved more in restoration-oriented activities on Facebook.
This may refer to Facebook’s ability to help bereaved users to cope with their loss. On the other hand, Facebook may renew sorrow to bereaved users as its frequent usage prompts loss-oriented emotions more than restoration-oriented ones.


Main Subjects

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