The Saudi Public's Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Media Content of the Saudi Ministry of Health through Social Media Networks

Document Type : Original Article


Imma Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university


      The purpose of the study is to assess the Saudi public's perceptions of the effectiveness of the media content produced by the Saudi Ministry of Health through social media networks, particularly Twitter, in light of the richness of this platform.
This is accomplished by assessing the degree to which the public responds to the Ministry of Health account on Twitter and discovering the important accounts on Twitter that the ministry relies on to publicize its media posts, then measuring the Saudi public’s response level to the ministry accounts on Twitter to the needs of the people. In addition, the study seeks to discover the degree of clarity of the ministry’s media messages on its account on Twitter.
     Additionally, the study measures the level of relationship between the rate of the public’s following up on the Ministry of Health’s account on Twitter and the degree of their satisfaction with the media performance of the ministry’s account.
     The study uses the field survey methodology on a sample of the Saudi public. The descriptive and analytical parts were both used to verify the inquiries and hypotheses of the study, which relied on the methodology of studying correlational relationships.
The study came to several conclusions, the most significant of which are:

The majority of the sample followed the Ministry of Health's Twitter account due to its richness of knowledge and efficiency, which contributed, to preventing confusion that may occur during the communication process.
The response of the content published on the ministry's Twitter account to the needs of the target sample—and at the forefront of these needs is the provision of facts and information, especially in times of crisis.
The clarity of the messages presented in the ministry's account is demonstrated by the clarity of words, their interconnection, and the sequence of ideas.


Main Subjects

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