An expression of stability or a link to the past? Constants and changes in the discourse of the Oman daily newspaper during 2022.

Document Type : Original Article


This study aimed to reveal and analyze the features, strategies and mechanisms of the journalistic discourse of Oman Daily newspaper, which represents one of the most prominent and important media forces in the Sultanate of Oman since its issuance in 1972 until today.
The study examined a hypothesis says: "the discourse of the Oman Daily newspaper on national, regional and global events and issues was characterized by stability throughout its fifty-year history, and changes in this discourse were very limited". The study sought to identify the factors that influence the formation of this discourse and contributed to its permanence and stability. The study used historical analysis to monitor the development of the discourse of Oman Daily newspaper. It also used the discourse analysis approach to investigate the characteristics of the newspaper's discourse, and the extent to which it expresses the Omani society and its active political, economic and cultural forces, through analyzing its daily editorial throughout the month of November 2022.
The study confirmed the validity of the hypothesis and concluded that the relative stability of the discourse of Oman Daily newspaper, expresses the political stability of the state and the editorial stability of the newspaper and reinforces its connection to the past as the official voice of the state.
The study attributed this stability to three factors: the stability of the existing political system since 1970 until now, the stability of the media system that has not witnessed radical changes since its establishment in the beginning of the seventies of the last century, and the stability of the administrative and editorial conditions of Oman Daily newspaper over its lifetime.
The study concluded that the newspaper's discourse on global and regional events and issues was more clear and specific than its discourse on national issues, which used stretchy phrases and descriptions. The newspaper has employed many strategies and mechanisms to form a rational discourse. These strategies included the strategy of realism, the strategy of collective reunification, the strategy of describing the representative, and the strategy of mobilizing popular support for political system. The newspaper used some mechanisms in shaping its discourse through its editorial on national, regional and global affairs such as rational and logical argument in presenting and justifying its discourse in its regional and global discourses, and mixed between emotional and logical paths in its discourse on national affairs. The active forces that the newspaper's discourse focused on at the national level were the person of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, the Omani citizen, in addition to some institutions such as the Sultan's Armed Forces, the Ministry of Health, Sultan Qaboos University. The Oman Daily discourse was based on a number of reference frameworks, the most important of which are the historical framework, the intellectual and philosophical framework, in addition to non-specific frameworks such as published research that is not precisely defined.


Main Subjects

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