The Saudi audience's resistance to influencers' advertisements on social media platforms- A field study

Document Type : Original Article


, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)


This study aims to identify the causes and levels of resistance of the Saudi audience to the influencers’ advertisements through social media platforms and to find differences between males and females in the reasons that led to this resistance and the differences in the resistance itself. This study was based on the quantitative method and it is a descriptive study. It reached a sample of 903 Saudis, the study concluded that the Snapchat platform is the most used by the Saudi audience and that the reason (Perceived Goal Impediment) is the most common reason among the Saudi audience, and cognitive resistance was the most prevalent among them. The study also found that (Perceived Ad Clutter) is the reason that most affects resistance as a whole, and behavioral resistance in particular, while (Prior Negative Experiences) had the most impact on the cognitive and emotional resistance of the study sample toward influencers' advertisements through social media platforms. The results of the study indicated that there is a difference between males and females in favor of males in the resistance and causal (Perceived Ad Clutter and Perceived Goal Impediment). The study also confirmed the existence of positive relationships between (Perceived Ad Clutter/Perceived Goal Impediment and Prior Negative Experiences) and resistance. The study recommended that marketing and advertising communications planners in brands need to reduce dependence on influencers in delivering their advertising messages to the target audiences.


Main Subjects

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