Press Coverage of Newspapers' Social Media Platforms in context of The Controversy and Rhetoric Model A Case Study of "Al-Youm Al-Sabaa" page on Facebook.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of mass communication Ain shams university


     The main objective of the study is to investigate the nature of press coverage in newspaper pages on Facebook, the extent to which subjective language is used in editing the published contents, the relationship between the usage of subjective language and the controversy of this content. The study’s methodology was applying content analysis tool on Facebook page of Al-Youm Al-Sabaa newspaper from 25-31 December 2022. The sample amounted to 1631 articles, including 665 videos. Based on examining the Controversy and Rhetoric Model. The Results showed the Employing of subjectivity with its five levels in the page's contents, and the predominance of the low level of audience interactivity in its four dimensions with all contents. The study concluded that there is a proportional relationship between the use of subjective language and the degree of audience's interactivity with the page's contents. a proportional relationship between the controversy of the content, the use of subjective language in it. The two variables (the use of subjective language and the controversy of the content) together explained 99% of the variance in the audience's interactivity with the content. However, the use of subjective language was more influential, as it explained alone 90% of the variance in the audience's interactivity.


Main Subjects

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