Emoji symbols on social media and their relationship to the five major factors of personality among university students - a field study

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University, Faculty of Specific Education


This study aimed to identify university students’ association with emojis on social networking sites (Facebook and Messenger Chat), according to their personality type (extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness). This study is considered one of the descriptive studies that relied on the method of field survey of a sample of students. The number of students at Mansoura University in the literary and scientific colleges reached (400) subjects through a paper questionnaire form, which included a measure of personality type, in addition to a number of questions about the types of emojis used by the university students, the research sample, and whether they differ from one personality to another and from the degree of closeness to the person interacting with him or the quality of Posted topic.
The study reached a number of results that can be presented as follows: There are differences between the study sample according to the gender variable (males - females) in the use of emojis while browsing Facebook and Messenger conversations, in favor of females.
Each type of personality has its favorite emoji when using social networking sites (Facebook). The conscientious personality had the highest percentage of the emoji (I love him), the neurotic personality had the highest percentage of the emoji (it made me angry), and the extroverted personality had the highest percentage of the emoji (I support him). Experience was the emoji (it made me sad), and for the agreeable personality, the highest percentage was the emoji (I liked it).
There are no statistically significant differences in choosing a specific emoji on social networking sites according to place of residence.


Main Subjects

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