Managing The Digital Footprint of Internet Users in Light Of The Theory Of Communication Privacy Management- A field study on a sample of Internet users in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


This research explores the pivotal role of technology in various aspects of people's lives, highlighting the dominance of technological features in the present century. It emphasizes the nature of communication, knowledge sharing, and idea generation within a digital environment. Major technology and communication companies play a crucial role in this landscape by relying on algorithmic mechanisms to track user actions and behaviors, as well as to record data.
Due to the exchange of data among various entities involved in building user profiles and the challenges in assigning data protection solely to laws and regulations in the virtual space, the study aims to understand how users understand and manage their digital footprint, as well as their perception of potential impacts and their level of management of their digital footprints in this digital environment.
The findings presented evidence to support the consideration of individuals' awareness as a supportive tool for controlling their digital impacts, especially given the sensitivity of various information for users, such as financial information, personal images, and videos.
Since not all personal information carries the same level of importance, some information can be disclosed or concealed based on the anticipated consequences of such disclosure and data availability. Therefore, the importance of decision-making and individuals developing privacy norms that align with their needs becomes apparent.
The findings also indicated the users' belief in the time frames during which data collectors can retain their information. Additionally, the findings showed a reasonable level of awareness among the participants regarding their digital footprint and their understanding of the activities that shape it.


Main Subjects

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