Building the image of Palestinian resistance movements in the discourse of Western electronic press "Case study on the BBC News portal"

Document Type : Original Article


This study took the media arts published on the BBC News platform as a field to study the strategies for building the mental image of Palestinian resistance movements by analyzing the events of the Al-Aqsa Flood that took place on October 7, 2023. This study confirms a pivotal conclusion related to the influential role played by the news platform in directing... Processing journalistic arts through the efforts of communicators to organize the content of the media message by choosing the type of theses and the type of sources and employing words with connotations to influence the user’s cognitive processes and modify them by highlighting new signs, concepts and facts about the Palestinian resistance movements; It conflicts with reality, meaning that the persuasion strategy aims to modify the internal psychological structure of individuals about the Palestinian resistance movements through new learning that responds to their fears and needs, which leads to the desired behavior towards these movements to support the decision to dissolve and eradicate them.


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