Media Leaders’ Vision of the Characteristics of the Sustainable Financing Environment and its Implications for New Financing Models for Private Television Channels “A prospective study over the next two decades 2023: 2043.”

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Art Dept.of Mass Communication


     The study aimed to monitor, analyze, and explain the trends of a sample of media leaders in private television channels regarding the most important characteristics and factors influencing the formation of the sustainable financing environment for private television channels, and the extent to which they are reflected in the adoption of new financing paths, in accordance with the tripartite development standards “Environment, Society and Governance (ESG)”, within two approaches: anticipating the future and systems analysis. The study also used the two-factor theory by Frederick Herzberg, by applying it to a sample of (30) individuals from the leaders working in the channels “DMC, Al-Hayat, CBC, the ON network, and the channels of the Holy Qur’an and Al-Nas Egypt, through applying the Delphi method in two rounds.  The first round of application included the in-depth interview tool as a pre-measurement tool, then the post-application included a Delphi questionnaire form in the second round. The method of future scenarios was also used according to forward-looking visions for the decades 2023 and 2043. The results of the study concluded that the study sample confirmed the importance of external factors for the environment of the television organization, which is explained through sustainable financing (ESG), with the elements of “environment and society” as the most important external factors, And after governance as a parallel dimension to the internal organizational factors of the institution. The results also revealed that the optimistic scenario took the lead among the leaders’ future trends for institutional financing. Optimism came through the proposal for new sustainable financing paths for the television channel environment, where the possibility of the presence of a financing pattern according to the “Freemium” method came to the forefront of predictions. Freemium (payment for content), which will charge fees for distinctive features or services for the public who want to access advanced functions for the production content of television channels, then followed in the expectations in second place is the possibility of applying the “Economic diversification” model, and it also came in third place Crowdfunding model, then socially Responsible Funding came in fourth place, then Designated funds.


Main Subjects

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