The image of the Alzheimer's patient as reflected in Egyptian and foreign drama- aqualitative study.

Document Type : Original Article


Mass communication ,al azhar university , Cairo


The study aims to identify the image of the Alzheimer's patient as presented in Egyptian and foreign drama. This study relies on a qualitative analysis of the Egyptian and foreign dramatic contents that reflected the image of the Alzheimer's patient, with a comparison between the Egyptian and foreign presentations. Among the most prominent findings of the study is that the age stage of Alzheimer's patient Alzheimer's disease occurs in the advanced stages of aging after the sixth decade of life, and it may occur in the fifth decade due to hereditary genetic reasons. The study showed that women are more affected by Alzheimer's disease than men and that scientific progress does not reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, but it helps. To delay the development of its stages, The foreign and Egyptian dramas, a sample of the study, depicted the problems faced by an Alzheimer’s patient, such as difficulty sleeping, inability to solve problems, excessive movement, urinary incontinence, nervous attacks such as paranoia, and other difficulties that an Alzheimer’s patient faces as the stages of the disease develop. However, the foreign drama outperformed the Egyptian drama in clarifying These difficulties, and there are clear differences between the foreign and Egyptian presentations in terms of the size of the roles within the dramatic contents, the role of the doctor, health care providers, community organizations, and awareness of the disease.


Main Subjects

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