The impact of social media in shaping cultural capital: A field study on a sample of Saudi university youth at Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah Al-Mukarramah 2020

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of Education


The study aimed to examine the impact of social media on formulating the Cultural capital for university youth, by analyzing the situation concerning youth’ motives to use social media as well as the role of social media in shaping the communication language, the mental image, the cultural awareness and attaining the academic achievement. The study also aimed to monitor the Pros and cons of using social media. On the other side, the study tried to identify the statistical differences between the characteristics of the study sample and its variables.
The study belongs to the descriptive studies pattern using the social sample survey for both the theoretical and applied Umm Al-Qura University students, based on a questionnaire and a structured interview.
The study concluded high relative strength of both the youth’s use of social media in communication and the role of social media and in shaping the mental image which was (72%) and (74.3%) respectively. While the formulation of the cultural awareness was about (77.7%) the academic achievement of youth was about (78.2%), which indicates a high relative strength for these effects.
Al study hypotheses are validated, as there are no statistically significant differences between the characteristics of the study sample and its variables, namely: gender, scientific specialization, the rate of use of communication networks, and the level of confidence in communication networks.
Only the results of the rate and motives of using social media are statistically significant in favor of more than (3) hours.
The researcher indicates some recommendations which should be adopted through Setting some controls on using social media devices and receiving positives and avoiding negative sides.


Main Subjects

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