The role of social networks in detecting rumors (Facebook as a model) Design the optimal control model to reduce spreading of rumors in social networks


faculty of media and mass communication, Misr for science technology university


The study aimed to monitor the mechanisms of combating rumors by the official page of the Presidency of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on the social network (Facebook) as a model, as well as designing a proposed model based on the optimal control model to confront rumors. This study relies on the analytical survey method, as it aims to describe and explain rumors, The study community is represented in all the publications published by the official page of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on the social network Facebook, which included 68 rumors during the period from 1/1/ 2021 to 31/5/2021, where the rumor and its truth are placed in the same publication, and the study reached several important results such as The strategies that were used by the Egyptian government to combat rumors focused on two types of strategies: confronting rumors by spreading information and spreading the opposite of the rumor. The strategy of ignoring was certainly used in the face of some rumors, but it was a strategy that did not allow us to monitor them, and other strategies were not used. Such as revealing the source of the rumor and killing the rumor with a larger rumor and the application of the proposed model based on the optimal control model to limit the spreading of rumors, sufficient awareness should be spread by the government among the society to develop (media literacy) skills that make people aware of how to deal with different information, images and videos and verify, how to stop the rumor in them, in addition to educating them about the dangers of spreading Rumors, start designing databases for rumors, and identify appropriate methods and strategies to confront according to the nature of the rumor and the surrounding circumstances.


Main Subjects

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