The Preachers’ Perception of the Influence of Social Media Violent Content on Others- A field Study in the Framework of the Theory of "the Third Person Effect"

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to monitor, analyze and explain Egyptian preachers' perceptions of the influence of (the self) and (others) as a result of exposure to the content of violence presented through social networking sites, within the framework of the theory of the "third person effect" in both its cognitive and behavioral aspects, in addition to identifying the habits and patterns of preachers' exposure to the contents of violence presented through Social networking sites, and their support for imposing censorship on those content. The study was applied to a sample of preachers affiliated with the two institutions (Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, the Ministry of Awqaf). The results of the research confirmed the validity of the two hypotheses of the “third person effect” theory (cognitive and behavioral), despite the different research environment and the nature of the respondents; Which confirms the strength of the theory, its quality and the validity of its application in a variety of environments. The results indicated the high level of preachers' use of social networking sites, and their interest in following up on the various content of social violence presented through these sites, in preparation for monitoring and addressing them in advocacy. preachers, making them less affected by the implications of social violence compared to others. The results revealed the advocates' support for imposing censorship on the publication of such content; To reduce the negative effects resulting from exposure to it, and this supports the behavioral hypothesis of the theory of the "third person effect".


Main Subjects

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