Frameworks for Addressing the Egyptian Official Web Pages of the Repercussions of Global Crises on Economic Conditions “Rising Prices - Global Food Shortage” “An analytical study”

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Information, Sinai University, “Al-Qantara Branch.”


The study aimed at monitoring, describing and analyzing how the official electronic pages of the Egyptian state "on Facebook" dealt with the economic crisis represented by "high prices and the global food crisis", and to identify the treatment frameworks and methods that were used to increase public awareness, and the interactive materials on which these pages relied. And what are the proposals that you present to solve the crisis... Whereas, for government agencies, social networking sites are a tool that enables them to learn about the public's evaluation of their services, activities, and policies, and helps them in the decision-making process by taking into account the public's suggestions and informing them of any necessary information in times of crisis and emergency problems.
      The researcher used the theory of news frameworks, and relied on the survey methodology and content analysis for a deliberate sample of electronic pages, which are (the official page of the Council of Ministers - the official page of the Ministry of Finance - the official page of the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade - the official page of Consumer Protection - the official page of competition protection and the prevention of monopolistic practices) .
The study found:
- Daily keenness to update news about developments in the Egyptian economic affairs, in addition to publishing several news about the economic conference and explaining its dimensions and economic policies related to it and its connection to the crises of Egyptian society, including high prices as well as the global food shortage crisis.
- The diversity of the news frameworks, between the responsibility framework with a percentage of 89.6%, followed by the crisis management framework with a percentage of 33.9%, and in the third place came the reassurance framework with a percentage of 15.1%, and the news values ​​that emerged while dealing with economic issues in the publications varied, in the foreground the value of positivity with a percentage of 87% Among them is responsibility and focusing on the rights of citizens and trying to solve their problems, followed by the value of novelty with a percentage of 8.9%, and in the third place the value of importance came with a percentage of 4.2%.
At the forefront of treatment methods was highlighting the role of the government by presenting the solutions it proposes in dealing with the issues raised by 91.7%, followed by educating the citizen about his economic role in terms of defining his rights and duties by 46.4%, and in the third place came highlighting the role of government institutions in working to develop the followed economic practices. In the face of economic crises, including rising prices and the provision of a stock of strategic commodities by 30.2%, then came the invitation of government institutions to the private sector for local investment, as well as providing support in upgrading the Egyptian economy by 9.4%, followed by the definition of economic issues by 6.8%.


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