Dependence of Saudi Youth on Social Media to Obtain Information on Tourist Attractions in Saudi Arabia: A Field Study on University Students in the Eastern Province

Document Type : Original Article


King Faisal University, Department of Communication and Media


The importance of this study lies in investigating a rapidly growing and evolving phenomenon, which is social media platforms. The youth's increasing interest in these platforms is evident in Saudi Arabian society and across Arab communities. The study aimed to determine the extent to which Saudi youth rely on social media platforms to obtain tourist information and identify the most attractive tourist destinations for Saudi youth.
The study employed a descriptive methodology and utilized a questionnaire as a data collection tool from a sample of 300 university students in the Eastern Province. The results of the study revealed that Saudi youth heavily rely on social media platforms to obtain tourist information, with 90% of the sample using these platforms for that purpose. The findings confirmed that the most relied-upon social media platforms for obtaining tourist information among Saudi youth are Instagram, followed by Twitter and YouTube.
Based on the study's results, the following recommendations were provided:

The need to enhance social media platforms to provide accurate and up-to-date tourist information.
The importance of collaboration between tourism authorities and social media platforms to promote Saudi tourist sites.
The necessity of raising awareness among Saudi youth about the risks of misleading tourist information on social media platforms.


Main Subjects

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