The Role of Digital Public Relations in Egyptian Ministries in Enhancing the Nation’s Internal Reputation: Acace Study of the Ministry of Local Development

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة أسيوط


Managing the reputation of countries, both internally and externally, has become a primary goal for all ministries and government institutions. These organizations have taken on the responsibility of managing the country's reputation, with their public relations departments tasked with communication activities aimed at building and strengthening a positive image of the country among its citizens. With the rapid technological advancements in recent years, public relations have increasingly relied on modern technology to support and enhance the country's internal reputation among its citizens.
Therefore, the research problem can be defined as the identification, analysis, and interpretation of the role played by public relations in Egyptian ministries in general, and specifically in the Ministry of Local Development, in supporting and enhancing the country's internal reputation among its citizens. This will be accomplished through an applied study that encompasses both analytical and field research.
           In terms of the analytical aspect, the researcher will analyze the Ministry of Local Development's Facebook page, considering that this ministry has the potential to showcase all the efforts and achievements carried out by the Egyptian government across various domestic sectors. Such efforts have the capacity to bolster Egypt's internal reputation among its citizens. The researcher will also examine the communication strategies employed by public relations through the Facebook page, as these strategies aid in strengthening the country's internal reputation.
Regarding the field research aspect, the researcher will examine the relationship between the respondents' level of exposure to the Ministry of Local Development's Facebook page and the enhancement of Egypt's internal reputation. This will involve testing the correlation between the respondents' exposure to the Facebook page and their knowledge of the efforts and achievements undertaken by the Egyptian government domestically. Additionally, the study will explore the connection between the respondents' awareness of these endeavors and their supportive intentions toward the state's pursuit of further progress, reform, and development. Finally, the study will investigate the relationship between the respondents' level of supportive intentions and their evaluation of Egypt's internal reputation.
The study has yielded several noteworthy findings, including:

There is a high level of emotional support for the state, as the respondents believe in the government's capability to undertake internal development and reform initiatives across all sectors of the country, aligning with the state's Sustainable Development Plan for 2030.
The respondents express significant satisfaction with the digital public relations management of the Ministry of Local Development's Facebook page. This satisfaction is reflected in their positive perception of the achievements and efforts made by the government in promoting development and reform, which contributes to a favorable internal reputation for Egypt.
The study confirms a correlation between the respondents' perception of supportive intentions toward the state's internal development across all sectors and their evaluation of Egypt's internal reputation.


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