Crisis management communications and its relationship to employees' organizational trust and their organizational citizenship behaviors: A study on a sample of private family companies operating in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor department of Public Relations and Advertising Faculty of mass communication Cairo University.


The study aims to characterize the nature of crisis management communications (issues management communications, communications during crises, post-crisis assessment) in private family companies operating in Egypt . This study also aims to determine the nature of the relationship between crisis management communications in these companies and employees's organizational trust (the level and scope of this trust), and its implications of their adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). By applying to a sample of (200) employees in the various departments in (10) private family companies. The results of the study revealed the following:
- There is a statistically significant relationship between employees' organizational trust in private family companies and their adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors
- There is a statistically significant relationship between the nature of issues management communications in family private companies from the perspective of their employees and their organizational trust, and a statistically significant relationship between the nature of issues management communications in family private companies from the perspective of their employees and their adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors.
- There is a statistically significant relationship between the nature of crisis communications in private family companies from the perspective of their employees and their organizational trust. There is a statistically significant relationship between the nature of crisis communications in private family companies from the perspective of their employees and their adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors.
- There is no statistically significant relationship between the respondents' evaluation of the crisis management process in private family companies and their organizational trust. However, there is a statistically significant relationship between the respondents ’evaluation of the crisis management process in private family companies and their adoption of organizational citizenship behaviors.
Through the previous results, the researcher reached a proposed theoretical model that links the elements of issues and crisis management process and employees' organizational trust and their organizational citizenship behaviors, which can be used as a guide for private family companies as a step for administrative reform, and it can also be a guide for academics in the field of organizational communications.


Main Subjects

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