Using "Live" Service by Egyptian Private Newspapers Through their Facebook Pages in View of Media Richness Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


Media department, faculty of Arts. ASU


Private Egyptian Newspapers started using the live broadcast service on their Facebook pages to broadcast some events, in an attempt to exploit the advantages of this service, especially because live video is new art in journalism.
This study aims to analyze the use of Live Service by Private Egyptian Newspaper Through their Facebook Pages, using media richness theory.
The presented study is considered a descriptive study based on the survey methodology. It relies on the tool of Content Analysis. It was applied to three pages of the private Egyptian newspapers: Al-Youm Al-Sabaa, Al-Watan and Al-Masry Al-Youm.
The results showed that the most important contents that dominated the live broadcast videos on the three pages were "entertainment", "human interests" and "crimes and accidents", all of which address the feelings of the audience. The "political" and "economic" content came in the lowest order.
The results also showed that the "news function" dominated the coverage of the three pages, then the "sharing human aspects" and the "entertainment" functions. The results also showed the fulfillment of richness criteria in the live broadcast service such as language diversity (natural language), personal focus, diversity of symbols and media used and immediacy of feedback, synchronization.


Main Subjects

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