Exposure of the Saudi public to cinematic films vis digital platforms- A field study on a sample of the residents of the city of Riyadh

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio, Television and Film, College of Media and Communication, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia


In this study, the researcher sought to try to identify the motives of the Saudi audience’s exposure to cinematographic films through digital platforms, the most preferred platforms for watching films, and the gratifications achieved from them, using the survey method for the residents of Riyadh through a questionnaire, where 287 questionnaires were distributed to them.
The researcher reached results, including: that 36% of the sample watch movies through digital platforms for one to three hours a week, and that their favorite films are American, then European, then Arab, and that the most followed topics by the public are excitement, then comedy, then mystery, and that the platforms The most followed ones are Netflix, then YouTube, then Watch Net, and that the motives for watching were in order: entertainment, then the ability to choose the time and place of watching, the type of movie, the segmentation of watching it, then leisure, and that the gratifications achieved are entertainment, then spending free time, and then gaining information.
The results showed that there were no differences in the motives of watching according to the age variable, and there were differences towards the saturation that is achieved while watching movies on digital platforms according to the age variable in favor of the study members of the age group less than 20 years, as well as from 20 to 29 years.
The results revealed that there were no differences according to gender, income, and educational level, whether in the field of motives or gratifications.


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