Employing digital services in Egyptian ministries and their impact on audience satisfaction: A field study (using the UTAUT model and the E-service Quality Model)

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة الوادي الجديد كلية الآداب قسم الإعلام


Government ministries provide many of their services to the public via websites, in addition to providing them traditionally, with the growing shift to the digital system compared to previous periods. This study sought to identify the use of digital services on the websites of Egyptian ministries and their impact on public satisfaction. The study was based on the unified theory. To accept the technology.
The problem of the study was to identify how Egyptian ministries employ digital services and their impact on public satisfaction. The importance of the study is due to trying to monitor the impact of electronic services, which is one of the most important topics that occupy the attention of many researchers, especially with the shift of many ministries to electronic dealing with the public. The study aimed to Identify the motives behind the public’s interaction electronically and their levels of satisfaction, and monitor the digital applications of the ministries with which the public deals. The study relied on collecting data on an electronic questionnaire; Through the application to the general public who uses electronic applications for ministries.
The study concluded that the ease and convenience of using electronic applications have an influential and effective role in achieving satisfaction. The study recommended the necessity of generalizing electronic applications to implement public services and continuous updating of websites and electronic applications.


Main Subjects

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