Interactivity on Charity organizations Facebook pages: and its correlation with promoting users’ social responsibility

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Radio &Television Faculty of Arts, Department of Media, Sohag University


This qualitative study aims to investigate the correlation between implementing the features of interactivity on charity organizations’ Facebook pages and promoting its users’ social responsibility. The study has explored different strategies used by communicators in those organizations in order to guarantee its favorability among potential supporters either as donators or volunteers. The study adopted descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the qualitative survey includes communicators who run Facebook pages of popular Egyptian charity organizations: 57257 Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation, Resale Charity Organization, Baheya Foundation, Magdy Yaqoub Heart Foundation, and Orman Charity Association. Therefore, Constructive Content Analysis has been used to analyze interactivity features in the Facebook pages of those organizations.
Main findings of the study have shown interest of using news form to deliver the messages that would promote the positive images of those organizations, focusing on informing the users about the foundations’ objectives, updates and activities. Furthermore, depicting real human figures who would have been benefited from those services. Generally, the study found that communication practices of those Facebook pages depend on indirect propagandistic approach to incentivize people for charity purposes. 


Main Subjects