The Role Of Facebook In Changing The Value Egyptian Pattern For Youth (Survey Study)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Educational Mass communication Dep., Faculty of Specified Education, Damietta University


This research aims to identify the role of Facebook in changing the pattern assessment of the Egyptian youth by using the field flat survey methodology, and the
researcher used a form Questionnaire to collect field study data on an intentional
sample of Egyptian youth who use Facebook Whereas, the researcher distributed
(200) forms of (100) forms for youth from the age of (19-25) years, and (100) forms
the age of (40-26) years, male and female
Most important findings of the study came as follows:-
1- It came first (daily) in terms of the number of days the Egyptian youth use Facebook for a week, at a rate of 76.5%
2- It came in the first place (I am keen to publish a correct picture of my religion on
Facebook) with a weight of 187.3, as I got (agree) 88% of the total sample.
3- It came in the first order (puts me in contact with classmates and my old friends)
with weights points. 185,2; It (Agreed) obtained the highest frequency (171) with
a rate of 85.5%
4- came in the first place. Facebook helped increase marital disputes and threaten
family stability For married people with a weight of 166.7, where (agree) got the
highest frequency (141) with a percentage of 70.5


Main Subjects