Value use of social media by applying to a sample of adolescents (In value-deterministic theory)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of the Specific Education - port said university


This study aims to identify the adolescents’ level of social media usages and the relationship to their level of values, and to recognize the concept of values through a new
perspective that is compatible with our social, cultural, civil and value environments
which is the theory of value determinism in the media.
The study based on a questionnaire form applied to a random sample of adolescents in
Port Said city, with a total sample of 383 individuals divided into 188 (male), 49.1% of the
total sample and 198 (female), 50.9% of the total sample.
The study reached a set of results and among these are:
1- The level of social media usages by adolescents is 56.7%, which proves the high rate
of usage among adolescents, where social media provide them an important window
to access the outside world.
2- There is a statistically significant inverse correlation between the intensity of adolescents’ use of social media sites and their level of values.
3-There is a statistically significant inverse correlation between the level of adolescents’
values and their social media wants.
4- There is a statistically significant inverse correlation between the level of adolescents’
values and the level of motivations they have for using social media.


Main Subjects