The Arabic Language in Media and Digital Transformation: Historical Reading and Real-Time Notes

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Media and Communication Department, College of Arts, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia


The relationship between media and language is a strong relationship and it is also a relationship of interest. The media needs all kinds, forms and levels of language to spread its contents and broadcast these contents to the largest number of audiences, language also needs media to ensure wide dissemination among as many audiences as possible. In the framework of this research, we tried to decipher the relationship between the media and theArabic language and study the extent to which the Arabic language is affected or not, in its form, use and spread, by the development of the media and digital transformation
In order to answer this problem, we adopted the historical approach to understand and explain the characteristics and features of the Arabic language in the media during various periods of time that it has passed through, and the descriptive method to identify and highlight the most important features and uses of the Arabic language in various sites and social media platforms.
After research and analysis, we found that the language as the whole scientific and cultural activities, as all the tools of communication and media activities, is mobile and active and can only maintain its position, continue and subsist by adapting to the changes and transformations experienced by its environment and its world. The future Arabic language must accept the laws of globalization and the development of information and technology and keep abreast of the discoveries, transformations, change of expectations, and approach more and more of its users, who are mainly young people, who represent almost half of the world's population and who are writing their future by adopting the mechanisms, structures and expressions of their own language: A modern and digital language, whether we like it or not


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