Graduate specifications - quality of university education- Preparing and qualifying students- Department of Radio and Television

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Radio & TV-Mass communication department-Faculty of Arts Asyut University


The study seeks to determine the dimensions of the multi-purpose content marketing strategy used by the Egyptian "watch it" platform to market various types of content and reach the target audience, using Facebook as a model for social networking sites, in light of the main dimensions of the content marketing model.
The study aimed to reveal the extent of the digital platforms ’interest in applying content marketing strategies in promoting the brand of the platform and gaining the loyalty and trust of the public, and analyzing the non-sales marketing strategy of the watch it digital platform through the social networking site“ Facebook ”within the framework of the main dimensions of marketing as a new model. It covers the mechanisms and objectives of content marketing and is appropriate for the cultural and entertainment service provided by digital platforms as media institutions.
The researcher used the comprehensive inventory method to determine the study sample of 100 posts on the official page of the platform on Facebook, using the survey method and the analysis tool based on the use of the indicators of the main dimensions of marketing model as a theoretical framework for the subject of the study.
The study concluded with many results: "Watch it" platform is one of the platforms that rely heavily on social networking sites in the process of indirect marketing, which may be attributed to the Egyptian public's dependence on these sites to meet their needs such as information and entertainment, and that The main dimensions of content marketing are partially implemented through the watch it account on Facebook, which may reflect the lack of interest of marketers in the principle of indirect marketing.


Main Subjects