Doctors and Nurses seeking information about the emerging Coronavirus pandemic through mobile journalism and its relationship to their professional compatibility

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Journalism at Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.


The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between doctors and nurses seeking information about the emerging coronavirus pandemic through mobile journalism and their professional compatibility, using the survey methodology with a sample of (422) single divided in two halves among doctors and nurses working in governmental and private hospitals in Minya Governorate, using the questionnaire tools and the compatibility scale The most important results are as follows: The study sample of doctors and nurses use mobile journalism permanently (52.4%), the percentage of those who follow it sometimes (33.4%), the percentage of those who rarely follow it (14.2%), and the existence of a statistically significant relationship between The level of confidence of Doctors and Nurses in the content presented in the mobile press and the extent to which they seek information from it about the Corona pandemic


Main Subjects